Time left until conference:

On behalf of all organizers
I have the honor to invite you
to the 30th "Forming" conference
Register now! →

Over the last three decades, 29 "Forming" conferences were held in various stunning locations in Poland, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. They have gained great attention due to the high professional level of the presented scientific and technological problems as well as the opportunity to integrate scientists and industry representatives. They are also famous for the fantastic atmosphere during both sessions and attractive accompanying social events and excursions.
After a year break, we look forward to your active participation in the jubilee, 30th edition of the "Forming" conference. Your presence will allow us to cultivate the great and long-standing tradition of this event.

dr hab. inż. Magdalena Barbara Jabłońska
The chair of Forming 2024 Conference Organizing Committee

Conference Topics

Formability and structure of materials

Methods for testing materials

Modelling and simulation of processes

Material processing methods and their application